I called up my Dadi yoh telling him that I would be sleeping..but turns out I was not sleepy at all........m(_ _)m . My mind is a little crowded right now but I have decided not to blog out any negative things (* ̄m ̄) .
I'm really excited on my nearly opening online store (≧∇≦)/ Niichan's Studio.
But first of all, I'm waiting for my parcels to arrive, those are our test products to see how long does it take for pre-order item to arrive here at the Philippines. Can't talk of all the details yet since were not ready (^▽^) anyways...watch out for it!
I'll be signing off for now and I hope, there would another great story to tell next time. (*⌒○⌒*)おー(*⌒▽⌒*)やー(*⌒o⌒*)すー(*⌒ー⌒*)みっ♪